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Thursday, June 1, 2017

2017 ch. 5

This year has literally been a blur. Each month passes before my eyes and I can hardly believe we're in June. I'm still trying to decide if the blur is good or bad. On the one side, it means I have been busy and proactive with my time. On the other time, I almost wish time would slow down. At least a little. Because there's so much I want to freeze, so I can enjoy just a little bit longer. But unfortunately, time is not like that and the year is almost halfway over. And as I look back at the last 5 months, I have so many amazing memories to look back on...and even more to make!

May turned into a good month!

This month I read two books: Adventures for your Soul-Shannon Kaiser and Girl Boss-Sophia Armouso

Both books were really good! I binge-watched Girl Boss on Netflix, so reading the book was 100% necessary. Here are my favorite quotes from both:

Adventures for you Soul:

"Through the process of discovering my true self, I started to live my dream life"
"Give yourself permission to dream about a better life"
"Give yourself permission to press the play button of your life"
"...feel joyful, expansive and in love with life...This only happens when you take a stand for yourself and become your own main character of your own life...when you press the reset button of your life, you can change the fate of your future, and settling will become a way of your past"
"What we believe on the inside is always manifested on the outside"
"Your imagination is your golden ticket to happiness"
"The more you let yourself be the real you, the more love you will feel"
"I choose to put myself into my own life and not settle...Your life is too precious to spend anymore time on earth doing anything that does not make your soul sing"
"The purpose of life is to suck in the entire experience and love fully from the heart"
"When you set goals, you are showing up for yourself and putting your desires into focus"
"Choose your life"


Girl Boss:

"Figure out what you love doing and don't suck at it, then try to figure out how to make a living doing that! Don't be scared. We're all going to die it's just a question of when and how-so be brave! You will never regret trying to fulfill your dreams"-Alexi Wasser

Currently, I'm reading The Forgotten favorite book! What should I read in June? I think I need a break from self-help type books.

I've continued writing in my journal weekly and I have been so glad. It's a good way to reflect and I don't want to forget all of the wonderful memories I've created throughout the week.

I made progress with scrapbooking this month! I am up to April! It's been so fun to see my pictures printed each month. Thank goodness for snapfish...I can have beautiful pictures delivered to my door so easily!

I didn't visit a new temple (or go at all) this month. Somehow May passed and I never made it to the temple....oops! But I plan to visit a new temple in June. Maybe Timp? If you're in Utah, which temple is your favorite? Also, if you're in Utah and ever want someone to go with you, hit me up! I always love company!

In May, I completed my 4th half of the year....The Dino Half! It was the one I was looking the most forward to and was the one I was most disappointed by. :( I had been trained and was hopeful for a sub 2 time. I knew I could do it and was honestly hoping for a PR. To save you from details you don't care to know, my dinner from the night before didn't settle on my stomach. AT. ALL. By mile 4, I was honestly considering taking a DNF (did not finish). I was miserable. I finished 2:16 or 2:17 (can't remember) and I was so disappointed! Here's hoping for a better race in August.

I'm still trying to reach my goal of 1,000 miles. It's going to take so much WORK these next 7 months. I am up to 340 miles (68 for May) If you've ever considered taking up running...DO IT! and come run with me!

And as always, last's the best of all! Traveling! My favorite! This month we stayed in Utah, but we were able to go to Vernal (neither of us had ever been) and Capitol Reef National Park. Vernal was a quick trip as we went for my race, but Fantasy Canyon was pretty cool! Capitol Reef was beautiful! So beautiful! We camped on BLM land and had the best views from our tent! Plus, I was able to practice taking some nightscapes. We are both so excited to do some more camping this summer. Do you have a favorite place to camp, if so, please share where you like to go!

I'm so excited for summer and warm weather to finally be here! I may slow down on some of my goals for the year, but I plan to soak up every last second I can of the warm weather! Speaking of, here's my summer list. I love having company, so if you want to join in on any activities, hit me up!

1. backpack to Lake Mary
2. go camping
3. s'mores
4. new hike
5. go swimming
6. snowcones
7. paddle boarding
8. wild flowers
9. family cook out
10. farmer's market
11. spiral jetty
12. make lemonade

Here's to the most fun month yet!!!

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