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Friday, December 29, 2017

2017 + 2018

2017 in review + 2018 goals:


I’m always intrigued by the concept of time. How it goes slow and fast all at once.

Over the last week or so, I’ve been thinking about goals. How 2017 went and what I hope for 2018. 

I didn’t complete all of the goals I made for 2017 and it’s frustrating, but I’ve tried to give myself grace and accept change is a part of the process. 

Hard parts of 2017:

Changing my goals so early in the year was hard. I felt like I was giving up and not trying hard enough to go after what I wanted. Letting go of the possibility of what I could’ve accomplished was rough. I think I’m most disappointed I wasn’t able to run 1,000 miles.  

Best parts of 2017:

I had decided I wanted to take a break from the stress of trying to get pregnant and rather than dwelling on how I wasn’t getting pregnant, taking advantage of all of the things I could do instead. So hands down, the best part of 2017, was traveling. I LOVED experiencing 12+ trips in 2017. I wish I could keep this up forever, so anyone who wants to pay me to travel, hit me up! ;) 

I wanted to create a lifestyle I would be jealous of if someone else was living it. With this, I wanted to say yes more and take advantage of experiences presented. Because of this, I tried new things, participated in Questival (so fun), went to Paris, and more.

Honestly, I’m happy to say 2017 was full of “best parts”. It wasn’t easy and took a lot of work, but I have a lot of wonderful memories to look back on. 

Top favorites: our trip to the Bahamas, running with Jared Ward (Olympic athlete), buying myself a nice camera, all of the times Mike and I were able to spend quality time together, Questival, my trip to Paris, my sister + brother-in-law moving back to the states, and our family trip to Disneyland.


I have some high expectations for 2018 and I hope I am able to see everything I set out for fulfilled. My theme for 2018 is: whole hearted living. I have focused the majority of my time over the last few years on my happiness and while that will be one component this year, I also want to focus on peace and love. My plan is to break the year up in thirds and do some learning and new practices in each area. I plan to start the year focusing on love, moving to happiness, and finishing with peace.

In addition to my overall theme, I have set some personal goals I would like to see accomplished as well. 

2018 goals:


  • Complete the POPSUGAR 2018 reading challenge



  • Attend the temple at least once per month



  • Run more than 822 miles (most mileage to date)
  • Trilogize with Runtastic
  • Go to the dentist
  • Go to the optometrist



  • Create a bucket list (with Mike) and cross off at least one item
  • Travel to 3 places we’ve never been to together
  • Finish 2017 scrapbook, scrapbook 2018, and create books for 2013-2016



  • Create 72 hour kits
  • Have a no spend month
  • Book 12 photography sessions




I would like to set one more goal in my knowledge and spiritual sections. Any ideas?

Have you set goals for the upcoming year? If so, share them with me in the comments below! 

Here’s to making 2018 our year!

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