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Monday, April 30, 2018

April 18

I’m still not sure how it’s already May. This year feels like it’s been a big, hot, ugly mess. I’ve had theeee hardest time staying organized and on top of things. It’s like I get caught up on things for a day or so, and then I feel like the rug gets ripped from underneath me. Am I the only one?? 

April felt so short and I don’t feel like I did much. I’m hoping with a new month, I can use it as a fresh start, and I’ll keep trying!

My biggest goal for May is to prioritize my time better. I’ve gotten into the habit of sleeping in too long, napping after work, and overcommitting to things. From the outside looking in, it’s clear I’m tired and need to realign my time. So that’s what I plan to do in May. 


April wasn’t a huge disappointment in regards to my goals. Here’s where I’m at for the year:



  • Read 52(ish) books:

I read 4 books this month!

-The 5 Love Languages: Gary Chapman

-In conclusion, don’t worry about it: Lauren Graham

-Turtles all the way down: John Green 

-The coaching habit: Michael Bungay Stanier

  • Learn/try something new:

I tried a lot of new foods and did new things while I was in Thailand! One thing my husband has been trying to get me to do, that I tried, was Muay Thai striking.



  • Attend the temple monthly:

I didn’t go again this month. I’m not sure why/how I’ve gotten off the wagon on this one, but I’m hoping to turn it around next month!

  • Read the Doctrine and Covenants

I started and stopped while we were gone, but again, I’m hoping to start back up in May!



  • Run 400-500 miles

My mileage for April is laughable. I logged a whopping 22 miles.  

  • Trilogize with Runtastic 

    Nothing to report here. I’m registered for all 3 races!
  • Go to the dentist

I hate this goal SO MUCH. I need to work up the idea of doing this. Haha


  • Create a bucket list with Mike and cross off at least one item

We started our bucket list (I’ll do a separate post), but haven’t crossed anything off yet.

  • Travel to 3 places we’ve never been to together

    THAILAND! 1 down, 2 to go! We’re planning on South Dakota and maybe Canada this summer! Have you ever been to either? Send us recommendations! If we go to Canada, we will go to the Banff area.
  • Catch up on scrapbooking

I haven’t worked on this in months. So I plan to do something in May…even if it’s just putting together a book online!



  • Create 72 hour kits

UGH. Haven’t started this either. Or, kinda started, but not much progress. 

  • Save 20% one month and 10% May-December

    We managed the 20% and will start saving 10% because honestly that’s not something we intentionally do.
  • Build up business ventures

Hoping May will kick some things into gear! 




I finished my 30 before 30 list! I’ll have to post about that as well! I anticipate those things will keep me pretty busy the next few months!

I hope your year is going well. Remember, it’s not too late to set goals and it’s okay to readjust goals you’ve already set! If you would like help setting or maintaining your goals, please feel free to reach out to me:

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